Peer Reviewed Publications (undergraduate students underlined)

Adetitun DO, Fathepure BZ, Kolawole O, Olayemi A, Hugh H (2018). Degradation of hydrocarbons and lignin-like compounds by Alcaligenes strain 3k isolated from Ilorin. Pollution (In Press).

Paniagua-Michel J, Fathepure BZ (2018). Microbial consortia and biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine environments. In: Microbial Action on Hydrocarbon V Kumar, M Kumar, and R Prasad (Eds). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Jackson CA, Couger MB, Prabhakaran M, Ramachandriya KD, Canaan P, Fathepure BZ (2017). Isolation and characterization of bacteria that degrade lignin in plant biomass. Appl. Microbiol. 122: 940-952.

Adetitun DO, Olayemi AB, Kolawole OM, Fathepure BZ (2016). Molecular identification of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria isolated from alfisol-loam experimentally contaminated with gasoline. 28: 135-143.

Dalvi S, Youssef NH, Fathepure BZ (2016). Microbial community structure analysis of a benzoate-degrading halophilic archaeal enrichment. Extremophiles. 20: 311-321.

Fathepure, B.Z (2015). Recent studies in microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in hypersaline environments. In: Proceedings of Halophiles 2013: The international congress on halophilic microorganisms. R. Thane Papke, Aharon Oren, Antonio Ventosa and Jesse G. Dillon (Eds). Published in Frontiers in Microbiology. PP 35-50.

Prabhakaran M, Couger MB, Jackson CA, Weirick T, Fathepure BZ (2015). Genome sequences of the lignin-degrading Pseudomonas strain YS-1p and Rhizobium sp. strain YS-1r isolated from decaying wood. Genome Announc 3 (1):e00019-15. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00019-15.

Heenan, J., L. D. Slater, D. Ntarlagiannis, E.A. Atekwana., Z. Fathepure., S. Dalvi., C. Ross., D.D. Werkema., and E.A. Atekwana (2015). Electric resistivity imaging for long-term autonomous monitoring of hydrocarbon degradation: Lessons from the deep water horizon oil spill. Geophysics 80(1).

Vupputuri, S., Z. Fathepure, G.G. Wilber., E. Sudoi., S. Nasrazadani., M.T. Ley., and J.D. Ramsey (2015). Isolation of a sulfur-oxidizing Streptomyces sp. from deteriorating bridge structures and its role in concrete deterioration. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 97: 128-134.

Fathepure, B. Z. (2014). Recent studies in microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in hypersaline environments. Front Microbiol 5: 173.

Dalvi, S., C. Nicholson., F. Najar., B. Roe., P. Canaan., Z. Fathepure (2014). Arhodomonas sp. Strain Seminole and Its Genetic Potential To Degrade Aromatic Compounds under High-Salinity Conditions. Appl Environ Microbiol 80: 6664-6676.

Ross, K. A., L. M. Feazel, C.E. Robertson., Z. Fathepure., K.E. Wright., R.M. Turk., M.M. Chan., N.L. Held., J.R. Spear., and N. Pace (2012). Phototrophic phylotypes dominate mesothermal microbial mats associated with hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. Microbial Ecol 64: 162-170.

Dalvi, S., S. Azetsu, M.A. Patrauchan., F. Aktas., and B. Z. Fathepure (2012). Proteogenomic elucidation of the initial steps in the benzene degradation pathway of a novel halophile, Arhodomonas sp. strain Rozel, isolated from a hypersaline environment. Appl Environ Microbiol 78: 7309-7316.

Sei, A. and Z. Fathepure (2009). Biodegradation of BTEX at high salinity by an enrichment culture from hypersaline sediments of Rozel Point at Great Salt Lake. J Appl Microbiol 107: 2001-2008.

Elango, V. K., S. Liggenstoffer., and B.Z. Fathepure (2006). Biodegradation of vinyl chloride and cis-dichloroethene by a Ralstonia sp. strain TRW-1. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 72: 1270-1275.

Nicholson, C. A. and Z. Fathepure (2005). Aerobic biodegradation of benzene and toluene under hypersaline conditions at the Great Salt Plains, Oklahoma. FEMS Microbiol Lett 245: 257-262.

Fathepure, B. Z., V. K. Elango, H. Singh., and M.A. Bruner (2005). Bioaugmentation potential of a vinyl chloride-assimilating Mycobacterium sp., isolated from a chloroethene-contaminated aquifer. FEMS Microbiol Lett 248: 227-234.

Singh, H., F. E. Loffler, and Z. Fathepure (2004). Aerobic biodegradation of vinyl chloride by a highly enriched mixed culture. Biodegradation 15: 197-204.

Nicholson, C. A. and Z. Fathepure (2004). Biodegradation of benzene by halophilic and halotolerant bacteria under aerobic conditions. Appl Environ Microbiol 70: 1222-1225.

Lendvay, J. M., F. E. Löffler., M. Dollhopf., M. R. Aiello., G. Daniels., Z. Fathepure., M. Gebhard., R. Heine., J. Shi., R., Krajmalnik-Brown., C. L. Major, jr., M. J. Barcelona., E. Petrovskis., R. Hickey., J. M. Tiedje., and P. Adriaens (2003). Bioreactive Barriers:  A Comparison of Bioaugmentation and Biostimulation for Chlorinated Solvent Remediation. Environ Sci Technol 37: 1422-1431.

Lendvay, J. M., M. J. Barcelona., G. Daniels., M. Dollhopf., Z. Fathepure., M. Gebhard., R. Heine., R. Hickey., F. Löffler., C. L. Major, Jr., E. Petrovskis., J. Shi., J. Tiedje., and P. Adriaens  (2002). Plume control using bioaugmentation with halorespiring microorganisms. Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution, Sheffield, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences. pp. 325-332.

He, J., Y. Sung., M. E. Dollhopf., Z. Fathepure., J. M. Tiedje., and F. E. Löffler (2002). "Acetate versus hydrogen as direct electron donors to stimulate the microbial reductive dechlorination process at chloroethene-contaminated sites. Environ Sci Technol 36(18): 3945-3952.

Hamilton, D. W., Fathepure, C.D. Fulhage., W. Clarkson., and J. Lalman (2002). Treatment lagoons for animal agriculture. In: Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers. J.M. Rice, D.F. Caldwell, F.J. Humenik, (eds). St. Joseph, MI, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Pp 547-574.

Lendvay, J. M., P. Adriaens, J.M. Tiedje. M. Dollhopf., F. Löffler , Fathepure., E. Petrovskis., M. Gebhard., G. Daniels., R. Hickey., R. Heine., and J. Shi (2001). Preventing contaminant discharge to surface waters: Plume control with bioaugmentation. Bioaugmentation, biobarriers, and biogeochemistry. A. Leeson, B. C. Alleman, P. J. Alvarez and V. S. Magar. Columbus, OH, Battelle Press. 6: 19-26.

Fathepure, B. Z. and J. M. Tiedje (1999). Anaerobic bioremediation: Microbiology, Principles, and Applications. Bioremediation of soils. D. C. Adriano, J.-M. Bollag, W. T. Frankenburger and R. Sims, eds. Madison, WI, American Society of Agronomy. 14: 339-396.

Odom, J. M., J. Tabinowski., M.D. Lee, and Z. Fathepure (1995). Anaerobic biodegradation of chlorinated solvents: Comparative laboratory study of aquifer microcosms. Bioremediation of chlorinated solvents R. E. Hinchee, A. Leeson and L. Semprini. Columbus,OH, Battelle Press: 4: 17-24.

Fathepure, B. Z., G. A. Youngers, D.L. Richter, and C.E. Downs (1995). In-situ bioremediation of chlorinated compounds under field aerobic-anaerobic environments. In: Bioremediation of chlorinated solvents. R. E. Hinchee, A. Leeson and L. Semprini. Columbus, OH, Battelle Press. Pp 169.

Cole, J. R., Z. Fathepure, and J.M. Tiedje (1995). Tetrachloroethene and 3-chlorobenzoate dechlorination activities are co-induced in Desulfomonile tiedjei DCB-1. Biodegradation 6: 167-172.

Fathepure, B. Z. and J. M. Tiedje (1994). Reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene by a chlorobenzoate-enriched biofilm reactor. Environ Sci Technol 28: 746-752.

Tatara, G. M., Z. Fathepure, et al. (1992). Novel aspects of the transformation of carbon tetrachloride by Pseudomonas sp. strain KC. Insights 1: 3-11. 

Bhatnagar, L. and Z. Fathepure (1992). Microbial mechanisms for dehalogenation of halogenated aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Ind. J. Microbiol. 32: 221-233.

Fathepure, B. Z. and T. M. Vogel (1991). Complete degradation of polychlorinated hydrocarbons by a two-stage biofilm reactor. Appl Environ Microbiol 57: 3418-3422.

Bhatnagar, L. and Z. Fathepure (1991). Mixed cultures in detoxification of hazardous waste. Biotechnology of mixed cultures. J. G. Zeikus and E. Johnson. New York, McGraw-Hill Inc: 293-340.

Fathepure, B. Z., J. M. Tiedje., and S.A. Boyd. (1988). Reductive dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene to tri- and dichlorobenzenes in anaerobic sewage sludge. Appl Environ Microbiol 54: 327-330.

Fathepure, B. Z. and S. A. Boyd (1988). Reductive dechlorination of perchloroethylene and the role of methanogens. FEMS Microbiol Lett 49: 149-156.

Fathepure, B. Z. and S. A. Boyd (1988). Dependence of tetrachloroethylene dechlorination on methanogenic substrate consumption by Methanosarcina sp. strain DCM. Appl Environ Microbiol 54: 2976-2980.

Tiedje, J. M., S. A. Boyd, and Z. Fathepure (1987). Anaerobic degradation of chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 27 (Developments in Industrial Microbiology Suppl 1): 117-127.

Fathepure, B. Z.,A. Boyd, J. M. Tiedje (1987). Reductive dechlorination of 4-Chlororesorcinol by anaerobic microorganisms. Environ Toxicol. Chem 6: 929-934.

Fathepure, B. Z., J. P. Nengu, and S.A. Boyd (1987). Anaerobic bacteria that dechlorinate perchloroethene. Appl Environ Microbiol 53: 2671-2674.

Fathepure, B. Z. (1987). Factors Affecting the Methanogenic Activity of Methanothrix soehngenii VNBF. Appl Environ Microbiol 53: 2978-2982.

Fathepure, B. Z. (1983). Isolation and characterization of an aceticlastic methanogen from a biogas digester. FEMS Microbiol Lett 19: 151-156.